Living in the straight and narrow path can be quite a challenge for some people. Somewhere along the way, you might find yourself having to deal with possible jail time due to some indiscretion. When that happens, one of the things that you can run to would be bail bond companies.
The Duty of A Bail Bonds Company
As the name implies, a bail bond company is responsible for providing the courts with some sort of financial surety for a defendant’s appearance on court, much like how a lending company works. Keep in mind, however, that eligibility for bail is something that is determined by the courts and is not readily available for everyone.
The typical clients of these bail bond companies are those who cannot raise the needed amount in order to enjoy temporary freedom. They generally have an outstanding agreement with local courts for the provision of blanket bonds.
What Sets Bail Bond Companies Apart
What makes a Los Angeles bail bond company quite different from financial institutions is the fact that they can come up with the needed amount in a matter of minutes. Now, depending on which state you are in, bail bonds are usually at 10% to 15% of the total bail amount, depending on whether the charges were a state charge or a federal charge.
Since the bail bonds company is responsible for making sure that the defendant appears in court, they typically make use of a number of physical means in order to bring the defendant to court during their hearing date. This would usually call for the services of a bounty hunter. In some cases, the court itself will require the defendant to seek permission first from the bail bond company before the defendant can leave the country. In some cases, once the defendant has been proven innocent, the bail bond company would allow for a full refund of the amount paid.
Caveats of Bail Bonds
Bail bonds are not available in all states. For example, in the states of Oregon, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Kentucky, commercial bail bonds have been banned. One reason for this is the perception that commercial bail bonds lean more towards those who have money. Fortunately, there are alternatives to bail bonds being offered in these states. Some of these would include pretrial service programs and citation release. These alternatives do not cost money although the courts have stringent screening processes on who can avail of these options.